candace calvert

Former ER nurse Candace Calvert gives readers a chance to “scrub in” on the exciting world of emergency medicine with her Grace Medical Series — an encouraging prescription for hope. She’s always found peaceful joy in gardening and is thrilled that she and her husband have recently moved back to her native northern California. Besides raised beds for organic vegetable gardening, their lush, private yard offers a rose garden, soothing sounds of waterfalls, enticements for butterflies and hummingbirds — “and great spots for the grandkids to build forts and play hide-and-seek.” Just what the doctor ordered. Visit Candace’s website at


Rel said...

Beautiful, Candy - love those roses :)

Thanks, Deb!

JoAnn said...

This looks like some great fun. Nice blog!

misskallie2000 said...

Love your garden. I have been working on my yard and gardening for 3 yrs. The last 18 mos, since I retired, I have worked constantly. I do enjoy the work as it relaxes me, and because I get to see the beauty from all the hard work.
One day I may win the lottery and buy a larger house with alot of yard. lol I must be crazy but I can hire someone to do the hard work and I can do just what I want which is plant. Of course then I could have a very large library and buy all the books on my wish list plus more. lol

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

CandaceCalvert said...

Thank you all for stopping by and leaving comments--it's so great that Deb offers this opportunity for authors to share their gardens. Love it!
Rel--my sweet Mom was a rose gardener supreme and I carried a bouquet of her blooms at our wedding. This new rose garden is such a lovely reminder of her.
Kallie, I SO understand what you mean: gardens and books, equally wonderful!

Melinda said...

Glad to see someone else using an old wheelbarrow as a planter. Mine is full of different kinds of sage.

CandaceCalvert said...

That sounds lovely, Melinda--thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

Candace your garden is amazing! I can just see a plot forming while gazing at the fountain and pond of the hero and heroine escaping through a jungle and pausing for a passionate playtime at this spot. Haha. I can see how this can be very inspirational. Looking forward to many of your stories, Nan.